Concepts, Methods and Techniques in
Political Science, Public Policy
and International Relations

TRACK: Case Studies and Qualitative Analysis (CSQA)
Week 1: 13-17 january 2025

An introduction to case study methods

Derek Beach, Aarhus University

Teaching Assistant: Natália Nahas, PhD (DCP-USP)

Course Description

The aim of this course is to provide students with a working understanding of the fundamentals of case-based methods and how they can be applied in your own research.

This course is designed for students in the early to mid-stages of a research project, where you have already defined your research question and are interested in learning about what case-based methods can offer. Some knowledge of basic social science methodology is helpful, although not required.

The focus will be on methods like small-n comparisons and in-depth case studies using Process-tracing. The core of the readings will be a 2016 book on causal case studies co-authored by the instructor.


A constant theme throughout the course will be on debating the strengths and limitations of different case-based methods, illustrating the types and scopes of inferences that are possible, and how they differ from what variance-based methods enable.

The course will contain lectures and discussions in the morning sessions, followed by group exercises on most afternoons organized between participants. Many of the exercises will utilize aspects of your own research projects.

Dates - This course runs January 13-17, 2025.

what we will learn


Familiarity with case study methods, or experience in social science research methods.