Concepts, Methods and Techniques in
Political Science, Public Policy
and International Relations

The Application Process

To help you choose the best courses for you, we have a dedicated application portal and continuous support from our experienced team

explore OUR dedicated Application Portal

Every year we receive hundreds of applications from students and faculty from around the world who want to boost their methodological skills and the quality of their research. 

The application process is quick and simple: 


Register at uspsummerschool.net.br with your email address and personal password so you can take your time preparing your application and return whenever you like.

Once inside your account, you can start a new enrolment application and tell us where you are currently, what you have studied previously, and if you have any special needs that we can try to accommodate.

Tell us which courses you would like to study. To help guide your choices, we ask you to prioritise the Tracks you wish to enroll in and then indicate which Courses you wish to take within those tracks. We will do our best to 

We suggest you to complete the Courses within a Track in sequence, and can enroll in at most two Tracks across the three week Summer School.

To help you choose the right courses for your background and personal goals, we will read through your Statement of Interest and CV to make sure your selected Tracks and Courses are a good fit. We will send you an email if we think there might be better course options for you to consider.

Remember, these documents are crucial to your application and must be uploaded by the deadline of 1st October 2019.

By 28th October 2024, we will send you an email confirming the courses you are enrolled on. 

You can use our secure online portal to pay for your courses through Paypal (which accepts card payments and bank transfers). Payment can be made in US Dollars or Brazilian Reais, but note the cost of courses is fixed in US Dollars.

Due to the up-front costs of organizing the Summer School please note that payments are non-refundable and are due by 6th December 2024.

Application timeline

September, 2024

October 28, 2024​

November 8, 2024

December 13, 2024
(new deadline)

Online Applications
are open

Acceptance notifications will be sent starting from

Applications are due

Registration fee payments are due

What's included

Your course registration fee covers the cost of bringing world-leading faculty to teach in the Summer School and for the course materials and software that we use. These costs do not meet the full cost of the Summer School so we also seek out and secure grant funding from government agencies, research partners and tertiary organizations.

Participants have access to the USP campus, to all the course materials online, and can participate in a range of information sessions, seminars and the Poster session organized throughout the three weeks of the Summer School.

Your enrolment fee does not cover the cost of transport, food or accommodation, for which participants are themselves responsible. For some suggestions and tips on how to keep costs down while fully exploring São Paulo, see the Student Life page.

Please note that since we must cover the cost for teaching faculty up-front and on the basis of the number of students confirmed, once payment registration fees are paid they are not reimbursable under any circumstances.

Admissions Criteria

We are excited to welcome all applicants to the IPSA-USP Summer School! 

Some courses require you to already have a certain level of experience or to have completed prior courses before you can enroll, and we will evaluate this as part of your application.

Due to space restrictions, we may also have to limit the number of people enrolled in particular courses, and admissions will be in order of enrolment, so be sure to apply as early as possible!


Following IPSA policy, IPSA-USP Summer School adopts a discount value for each course. The discount varies depending on the country of residence, the number of courses enrolled, and the level of study and occupation.


Fees are as follows:




The values here are expressed both in Reais (R$ – the Brazilian currency) and in US dollars (US$). The exchange rate is just estimated and may vary.

To check the list of countries in each group, visit the IPSA website.


Refunds: Candidates may ask for refunds only before Dec., 15th. In this case, candidate will obtain 80% of the value paid. 

getting help with your application

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to send us a message. If you prefer, send a message to summerschool.dcp@usp.br.

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.