We are the IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations.
We offer intensive, applied courses every January at the University of São Paulo to help you learn the skills and knowledge you need to pass your exams, write a compelling dissertation, start a research project, or improve your own teaching.
The Summer School is led by the Department of Political Science (DCP) at the University of São Paulo. The 2025 edition (our 15th) will take place in-person from 13th to 31th January, 2025.
At the IPSA-USP Summer School, all courses are organized into tracks. Each track follows a theme that forms a coherent sequence.
For the 15th season, there are 12 courses grouped into 4 tracks: 1) Case Studies and Qualitative Analysis (CSQA); 2) Modeling and Analyzing Public Opinion (MAPO); 3) Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis (TSCS); and 4) Multi-Method Research (MMR).
While candidates can enroll in any course they wish, we recommend considering the track when applying. Choosing the right combination of courses can make your experience much more interesting!
In the morning, classes take place from 9am to 12pm. In the afternoon, our intensive hands-on lab sessions take place from 2pm to 6pm. You can explore the courses available, find out more about our faculty teachers, and apply online.
We look forward to welcoming you to São Paulo in 2025!
We are IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to send us a message. If you prefer, send a message to:
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.