Concepts, Methods and Techniques in
Political Science, Public Policy
and International Relations

TRACK: Causal inference and experiments

Course 2 -
Survey Experiments

Mark Pickup, Simon Fraser University

Teaching Assistant:
Guilherme Russo, Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Course Description

Survey experiments combine the power of causal inference from an experimental design with the external validity of representative surveys. Further, online survey experiments provide a highly flexible platform for conducting the experiment. This course will cover the theory, design and analysis of survey experiments. In terms of theory, the course covers topics such as the potential outcomes model of causal inference, and the logic of experiments. In terms of design, the course covers topics such as: types of randomization; blocking; priming and framing experiments; list and conjoint experiments; and incentivized experiments. 

As for analysis, the course covers difference of means (and proportions) tests, difference-in-differences tests, rank statistics, and OLS regression and randomized inference for testing treatment effects. In addition to a discussion of each of these topics, the course will include instruction on how to set up an online survey experiment and analyse the data.

Dates - This course runs January 20-24, 2020.

what we will learn


Students are strongly recommended to take the preceding course in the track, Causal Inference and Field Experiments.