Concepts, Methods and Techniques in
Political Science, Public Policy
and International Relations

TRACK: Normative political theory

Course 1 -
Methods and Problems in
Political Philosophy

Herlinde Pauer-Studer, University of Vienna

Teaching Fellow:
Lucas Petroni, University of São Paulo

Course Description

This course discusses different methodological paradigms of political philosophy and their normative consequences with respect to some crucial issues in political philosophy. The main objectives of the course are: to provide an overview of normative foundations of political philosophy; to make you acquainted with different methodological approaches to central problems of political philosophy; to explore the relevance and strength of philosophical analysis of central issues in political theory and to make you familiar with current debates in political philosophy. 

We will discuss the following problems: the justification of political authority; the normative foundations of ‘a rightful’ political order; conceptions of justice; freedom and autonomy; the metric of equality and distributive justice; public reason and democracy; civic responsibility under authoritarian and totalitarian political conditions. We will explore those questions by discussing relevant selections of readings, including texts by classical and contemporary philosophers.

Dates - This course runs January 13-17, 2020.

what we will learn


There are no prerequisites except the willingness to work hard reading some quite challenging philosophical material.